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If he tries to go
too fast, too soon,
this spells DANGER

If he demands that you give
up your dreams,
this spells DANGER

If he insists that his plans
are more important than yours,
this spells DANGER

If he uses derogatory language
towards your family & friends,
this spells DANGER

If he is inconsiderate, disrespect-
ful, or puts you down in public,
this spells DANGER

If he tries to isolate you
from friends and family,
this spells DANGER

If you experience illogical incidents
of abuse in the middle of bliss,
this spells DANGER

If he acts like nothing has hap-
pened after an abusive episode,
this spells DANGER

If he blames you for what has
happened and minimizes his abuse,
this spells DANGER

If he shows intense,
unwarranted jealousy,
this spells DANGER

If he checks up
on your every move
this spells DANGER

If he mistreats pets
this spells DANGER

The first sign of dissociation is when
you start to wonder if it really happened at all.
(To confirm your reality, find a witness,
or write down what happened and date it)

Your better question is,
"What is he doing wrong?"

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From the book, Dragonslippers. Copyright © 2005 by Rosalind B. Penfold.
Used by permission of Grove/Atlantic, Inc. Dragonslippers (0-8021-7020-0), is published in the U.S.A. by Black Cat,
a paperback original imprint of Grove/Atlantic, Inc., and available at fine bookstores everywhere.

To order multiple copies of the book, Dragonslippers, please contact Publishers Group West (800) 788-3123.
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Text and images © Rosalind Penfold